




  • D. Yamagami,Y. Sato,Y. Noda,T. Miyoshi,K. Terashima,Wheelchair Driving Control with Passenger's Posture Behavior Suppression and Evaluation of Comfort of Ride by Emotional Sweating,Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computer Control,,,pp. 30-35,2009
  • Y. Okada,Y. Noda,T. Miyoshi,K. Terashima,M. Nishida,N. Suganuma,Optimization of Input Pulse Considering Both High-Speed Response and Rebound Suppression for Solenoids,Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computer Control,,,pp.176-182,2009
  • R. Fukushima,Y. Noda,K. Terashima,Falling Position and Anti-Sloshing Control of Liquid Using Automatic Pouring Robot,Proceedings of International PhD Foundry Conference,,,pp.45/1-10,2009
  • R. Tasaki,Y. Noda,K. Terashima,Pressing Velocity Control for Molten Metal’s Pressure Considering Viscous Flow in Press Casting Process,Proceedings of International PhD Foundry Conference,,,pp. 46/1-9,2009
  • Y. Noda,K. Terashima,Estimation of Flow Rate in Automatic Pouring System with Real Ladle Used in Industry,Proceedings of ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009,,,pp. 354-359,2009
  • Y. Noda,D. Yamagami,K. Terashima,Wheelchair Driving Control Considering Sway Suppression to Passenger’s Posture and Evaluation of Ride Quality,Preprints of the 9th International Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO'09),,,pp.739-744,2009
  • R. Tasaki,Y. Noda,K. Terashima,K. Hashimoto,Pressing Velocity Control Considering Liquid Temperature Change in Press Casting Process,Preprints of IFAC Workshop on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing,,,pp.65/1-6,2009
  • Y. Noda,K. Terashima,M. Suzuki,H. Makino,Weight Control of Pouring Liquid by Automatic Pouring Robot,Preprints of IFAC Workshop on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing,,,pp.70/1-6,2009
  • R. Sato,Y. Noda,T. Miyoshi,K. Terashima,K. Kakihara,Y. Nie,K. Funato,Operational Support Control by Haptic Joystick Considering Load Sway Suppression and Obstacle Avoidance for Intelligent Crane,Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,,,pp.2321-2327,2009
  • K. Inaba,Y. Noda,T. Miyoshi,K. Terashima,Driving Control considering Torsional Vibration Suppression in a Stepping Motor with a Full-step Drive,Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,,,pp.1112-1117,2009
  • N. Kaneshige,Y. Noda,T. Miyoshi,K. Terashima,Reference Management Considering Suppression of Vibration for a 2-D Transfer System,Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,,,pp.3162-3169,2009
  • Y. Noda,D. Yamagami,K. Terashima,Wheelchair Driving Control with Sway Suppression of Passenger's Posture and Evaluation of Comfortable Ride by Emotional Sweating,Proceedings of International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS2009),,,pp.529-534,2009
  • 伊藤隆二,寺嶋一彦,野田善之,岩佐剛浩,船体揺れを考慮した船上クレーンの統合化シミュレータの開発と搬送制御,計測自動制御学会論文集,第45巻,第12号,654-663頁,2009年
  • Y. Noda,H. Watari,T. Yamazaki,Control of Liquid Level in Tundish of Strip Caster with Automatic Pouring System,Materials Science Forum,Vol.575-578,,147-153頁,2008年
  • Y. Noda,T. Nishida,Precision Analysis of Automatic Pouring Machines for the Casting Industry,International Journal of Automation Technology,Vol.2,No.4,241-246頁,2008年
  • K. Terashima,T. Miyoshi,Y. Noda,Innovative Automation Technologies and IT Applications of the Metal Casting Process Necessary for the Foundries of the 21st Century,International Journal of Automation Technology,Vol.2,No.4,229-240頁,2008年
  • 野田善之,松尾祐介,寺嶋一彦,橋本邦弘,鈴木薪雄,高精度取鍋傾動式自動注湯機のための重量センサレスフィードフォワード鋳込重量制御,鋳造工学,第80巻,第8号,466-474頁,2008年
  • Ryosuke Tasaki,Yoshiyuki Noda,Kazuhiko Terashima,Kazukuni Hashimoto,Sequence control of pressing velocity for pressure in press casting process using greensand mould,International Journal of Cast Metals Research,Vol.21,No.1-4,269-274頁,2008年
  • Yoshiyuki Noda,Kazuhiro Yamamoto,Kazuhiko Terashima,Pouring control with prediction of filling weight in tilting ladle type automatic pouring system,International Journal of Cast Metals Research,Vol.21,No.1-4,387-391頁,2008年
  • Y. Noda,Y. Matsuo,K. Terashima,Real-Time Estimation Method of Liquid’s Outflow Rate by Nonlinear Observer for Tilting-Type Automatic Pouring of Casting Process,Proceedings of 68th World Foundry Congress 2008,,,pp. 271-275,2008
  • R. Tasaki,Y. Noda,K. Terashima,K. Hashimoto,Optimum Press Control of Innovative Greensand Mold Press Casting Method Considering the Molten Metal's Pressure Suppression,Proceedings of 68th World Foundry Congress 2008,,,pp. 121-126,2008
  • Y. Noda,K. Yamamoto,K. Terashima,Pouring Control with Prediction of Filling Weight in Tilting-ladle-type Automatic Pouring System,Proceedings of 10th Asian Foundry Congress 2008,,,pp. 538-543,2008
  • M. Suzuki,Y. Yang,Y. Noda,K. Terashima,Sequence Control of Automatic Pouring System,Proceedings of 10th Asian Foundry Congress 2008,,,pp.88-92,2008
  • R. Tasaki,Y. Noda,K,Terashima,K. Hashimoto,Sequence Control of Pressing Velocity for Pressure in Press Casting Process Using Greensand Mold,Proceedings of 10th Asian Foundry Congress 2008,,,pp.99-104,2008
  • A. Kawaguchi,Y. Noda,Y. Sato,Y. Kondo,K. Terashima,Mechatronics Support for Mobile Wheelchairs,Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation,,,pp. 864/1-16,2008
  • Y. Noda,Y. Matsuo,K. Terashima,Y. Zheng,A Novel Flow Rate Estimation Method Using Extended Kalman Filter and Sensor Dynamics Compensation with Automatic Casting Pouring Process,Preprints of 17th IFAC World Congress,,,pp. 710-715,2008
  • Y. Noda,K. Terashima,State Estimation of Automatic Pouring System with Load Cell in Casting Process,Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2008,,,pp. 1548-1551,2008
  • Y. Noda,K. Terashima,Predictive Filling Weight Sequence Control in Automatic Pouring System,Proceedings of 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,,,pp. 1527-1532,2008
  • Y. Noda,K. Terashima,Modeling and Feedforward Flow Rate Control of Automatic Pouring System with Real Ladle,Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,Vol.19,No.2,205-211頁,2007年
  • R. Tasaki,Y. Noda,K. Terashima,K. Hashimoto,Y. Suzuki,Modeling on Molten Metal's Pressure in an Innovative Press Casting Process Using Greensand Molding and Switching Control of Press Velocity,Proceedings of 4ht International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2007),Vol.RA-2,,pp.113-118,2007
  • Y. Sato,Y. Noda,T. Miyoshi,K. Terashima,Behavior Analysis of Passenger's Posture and Evaluation of Comfort Concerning Omni-Directional Driving of Wheelchair,Proceedings of 4ht International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2007),Vol.RA-2,,pp.253-241,2007
  • K. Terashima,Y. Noda,J. Urbano,S. Kitamura,T. Miyoshi,Adaptive Control by Neuro-Fuzzy System of An Omni-Directional Wheelchair Using A Touch Panel as Human Friendly Interface,Proceedings of 4ht International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2007),Vol.RA-2,,pp.25-32,2007
  • R. Mori,Y. Noda,K. Terashima,M. Nishida,N. Suganuma,Modeling with Current Dynamics and Vibration Control of Two Phase Hybrid Stepping Motor in Intermittent Drive,Proceedings of 4ht International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2007),Vol.ICSO,,pp.388-393,2007
  • S. Chim,Y. Noda,K. Terashima,K. Hashimoto,Modeling and analysis of pouring flow rate to prevent the splash in sand-mold press casting,Proceedings of European Metallurgical Conference 2007,,,pp.1899-1916,2007
  • Y. Noda,K. Terashima,Falling Position Control of Outflow Liquid for Automatic Pouring System with Tilting-Type Ladle,Proceedings of 12th IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing,,,pp.53-58,2007
  • T. Miyoshi,Y. Noda,K. Terashima,Feedforward Control Considering Input and States Constraints with Eliminating Residual Vibration,Proceedings of The 2007 American Control Conference,,,pp. 5005-5010,2007
  • H. Watari,Y. Noda,T. Yamazaki,T. Haga,K. Davey,Numerical Modeling of Magnesium Alloys for Solidification During Strip Casting Process,Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing,,,pp.C-62,2007
  • 野田善之,矢野賢一,寺嶋一彦,注湯・取鍋搬送の複合動作をともなう自走式自動注湯ロボットにおける円筒形状取鍋の注湯および液面振動抑制制御,日本ロボット学会誌,第24巻,第1号,94-103頁,2006年
  • 野田善之,矢野賢一,寺嶋一彦,追従物体の速度・加速度制約, 液面振動抑制を考慮した移動物体への自動位置検出とトラッキング制御システム,計測自動制御学会論文集,第42巻,第4号,265-274頁,2006年
  • 矢野賢一,松尾祐介,野田善之,寺嶋一彦,川合悦蔵,扇形取鍋を用いた自動注湯プロセスのモデリングと注湯制御入力導出法,鋳造工学,第78巻,第6号,297-303頁,2006年
  • 野田善之,矢野賢一,堀畑聡,寺嶋一彦,傾動をともなう液体容器搬送における時間周波数解析を用いた液面振動固有周波数の推定と振動制御,計測自動制御学会論文集,第42巻,第8号,884-893頁,2006年
  • 矢野賢一,金子元樹,野田善之,寺嶋一彦,川合悦蔵,スラグ付着の影響を考慮した自動注湯ロボットのインテリジェント制御,鋳造工学,第78巻,第8号,383-388頁,2006年
  • 野田善之,寺嶋一彦,傾動式自動注湯システムにおける注湯流量モデルと逆モデルによる注湯流量フィードフォワード制御,日本機械学会論文集C編,第72巻,第722号,3147-3154頁,2006年
  • Y. Noda,K. Terashima,Nonlinear Modeling with Hydrodynamics and Flow Control Using Inverse Pouring Dynamics of Tilting-Ladle-Type Automatic Pouring Process,Proceedings of 67th World Foundry Congress,,,pp.207/1-10,2006
  • Y. Matsuo,Y. Noda,K. Terashima,K. Hashimoto,Y. Suzuki,Modeling and Identification of pouring flow process with tilting-type ladle for an innovative press casting method using greensand mould,Proceedings of the 67th World Foundry Congress,,,pp.210/1-10,2006
  • Y. Noda,K. Terashima,Sloshing Suppression Control by Using Time-Varying Notch Filter in Liquid Container Transfer with Dynamic Tilting,Proceedings of the 6th Asian Control Conference,,,pp.894-899,2006
  • Y. Noda,M. Suzuki,K. Terashima,Optimal Sequence Control of Automatic Pouring System in Press Casting Process by using Greensand Mold,Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference in Busan,,,pp.4083-4088,2006
  • K. Yano,M. Kaneko,Y. Noda,K,Terashima,Adaptive Feedforward Control of Automatic Pouring Robot Considering Influence of the Accumulating Disturbance,Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications,,,pp.2820-2825,2006
  • Y. Noda,K. Yano,K. Terashima,Control of Self-Transfer-Type Automatic Pouring Robot with Cylindrical Ladle,Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress in Czech,,,pp.We-E01-TP/9,2005
  • 野田善之,矢野賢一,三好孝典,移動物体への液面振動抑制を考慮した追従制御,計測自動制御学会論文集,第40巻,第3号,424-433頁,2004年
  • 山川雄司,井出裕,野田善之,山崎敬則,神村一幸,黒須茂,特性変動をともなう1次遅れ+むだ時間系へのH∞補償器の適用,計測自動制御学会論文集,第40巻,第5号,493-501頁,2004年
  • 矢野賢一,杉本祐,野田善之,寺嶋一彦,Betterment Processによる円筒取鍋型自動注湯ロボットの注湯流量制御,日本機械学会論文集C編,第70巻,第694号,1750-1757頁,2004年
  • Y. Noda,K. Yano,K. Terashima,Detection and Tracking Control to Unknown Moving Object Considering Sloshing-Suppression in Pouring Robot,Proceedings of IASTED Modeling, Identification and Control 2003,,,pp.345-350,2004
  • Y. Noda,K. Yano,S. Horihata,K. Terashima,Sloshing Suppression Control During Liquid Container Transfer Involving Dynamic Tilting using Wigner Distribution Analysis,Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control in Bahamas,,,pp.3045-3052,2004
  • 小澤圭介,野田善之,山崎敬則,神村一幸,黒須茂,操作量の微分値を考慮したPIDコントローラの調整,計測自動制御学会論文集,第39巻,第3号,259-265頁,2003年
  • Yoshiyuki Noda,Takanori Yamazaki,Tadahiko Matsuba,Kazuyuki Kamimura,Shigeru Kurosu,Comparison in Control Performance between PID and H∞ Controllers for HVAC Control,ASHRAE Transactions,Vol.109,Pt.1,3-11頁,2003年
  • Y. Noda,K. Yano,and K. Terashima,Tracking to Moving Object and Sloshing Suppression Control Using Time Varying Filter Gain in Liquid Container Transfer,Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference in Fukui,,,pp.1424 -1429,2003
  • 野田善之,桜井祥晴,山崎敬則,黒須茂,コンベアライン上での連続秤量における精度向上,計測自動制御学会論文集,第38巻,第9号,759-764頁,2002年
  • Kazuyuki Kamimura,Yukihiro Hashimoto,Takanori Yamazaki,Yoshiyuki Noda,Shigeru Kurosu,A Comparison of Controller Tuning Methods from a Design Viewpoint of the Potential for Energy Savings,ASHRAE Transactions,Vol.108,Pt.2,155-165頁,2002年
  • Y. Noda,K. Yano,K. Terashima,Tracking Control with Sloshing -Suppression of Self-Transfer Ladle to Continuous-Type Mole Line in Automatic Pouring System,Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference in Osaka,,,pp.656-659,2002
  • Y. Noda,K. Yano,K. Terashima,Tracking Control to Moving Object of Liquid Container Transfer with Vibration Damping,Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Control Application 2002,,,pp.582 -587,2002


  • 野田善之,西田理,取鍋傾動式自動注湯機による鋳込重量の精度解析,鋳造工学,第81巻,第9号,451-456頁,2009年
  • 野田善之,鋳造工学と制御工学の融合を目指して,日本鋳造工学会東海支部60周年記念誌「夢をかたちに」,,,77頁,2009年
  • 野田善之,佐藤勇太,寺嶋一彦,電動車いす走行における搭乗者挙動と快適性,設計工学,第43巻,第6号,315-321頁,2008年


  • 野田善之,寺嶋一彦,尾崎聖一郎,佐郷幸法,柿原清章,平行二輪ビークル,その安定姿勢保持機構ならびに走行制御方法および荷台部姿勢制御方法,特願2009-291549
  • 野田善之,寺嶋一彦,佐藤隆史,柿原清章,力覚提示型ジョイスティックならびに全方向移動対象物の操作制御装置および制御方法,特願2009-208213
  • 野田善之,寺嶋一彦,三好孝典,太田和弘,鈴木薪雄,傾動式自動注湯方式および取鍋用傾動制御プログラムを記憶した記憶媒体,特願2007-120366
  • 野田善之,寺嶋一彦,三好孝典,太田和弘,鈴木薪雄,自動注湯制御方法,自動注湯装置のサーボモータの制御システムおよび取鍋用傾動制御プログラムを記憶した記憶媒体,特願2007-240321
  • 野田善之,寺嶋一彦,三好孝典,鈴木薪雄,太田和弘,傾動式自動注湯方法および記憶媒体,特願2007-120365
  • 寺嶋一彦,野田善之,太田和弘,鈴木薪雄,岩崎順一,自動注湯制御方法および取鍋用傾動制御プログラムを記憶した記憶媒体,特願2006-111883
  • 三好孝典,寺嶋一彦,野田善之,鈴木薪雄,駆動システムにおける搬送物の振動抑制方法およびその装置,特願2005-100778

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